Alanna is More Than a Typical Chatbot…She’s Conversational!

conversational AI

If you’ve ever chatted with a chatbot on a website, you know how frustrating it can be to go in circles to find your answer. Most of the time it ends up going back to talking to a human anyway after wasting time. Typical chatbots don’t have a very positive reputation, but Alanna’s conversational AI abilities are much more than typical. She can hold conversations with clients, real estate agents, and lenders to answer virtually any question they have and provide more information than they need.

What Makes Alanna’s Conversational AI Stand Out?

Text messaging is one of the most preferred methods of communication today. Alanna can hold conversations with clients via text messages that make it seem like they are messaging a human. Since Alanna is tied to your title company’s title production system, you can feel confident knowing she is providing accurate and up-to-date information at all times.

The key factor in Alanna’s conversational AI abilities is the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Typical chatbots provide scripted responses and only have a limited number of responses to send. With Alanna, answers are based on what questions the client has instead of being based on a script. And if a client would prefer talking to a human, they can ask Alanna to transfer the conversation and it can be done immediately.

Consistent Communication Is Key For Title Companies

Keeping the closing process moving forward means being consistent with your client interactions. Using a blend of emails, phone calls, and text messages can be an effective strategy to keep the process moving forward. Streamlining your communications with Alanna can promote consistent interactions and make closing days much smoother.

Better Communication Equals More Satisfied Clients And Employees

No one likes ineffective communication. In fact, unsatisfied clients often complain the most about the lack of communication or gaps in a title company’s communication process. Upgrading your title tech tools to solve any communication issues is essential today. Clients want information to be immediately available to them and Alanna can provide it. This creates more satisfied clients as well as employees. When your employees know Alanna can take care of many varieties of client communications, they can work on more complex tasks to provide the best service possible. is the developer of the title industry’s only conversational AI technology capable of holding complex conversations with clients via SMS text or web chat. Learn more about how her conversational skills can improve the client experience in your title company.