There’s no Place for “Deflection” in Title Technology and Client Service

Title Software Alanna Ai

Although Alanna has come a long way since entering the title industry, we still have more work to do. The clients who’ve adopted our AI technology so far regularly report back with amazing numbers. Numbers such as percentage of routine calls that get resolved without significant employee involvement. Or decrease in number of employee hours

There’s no Place for “Deflection” in Title Technology and Client Service Read More »

Empowering Your Staff in a Challenging Market Requires Careful Consideration

Empowering Staff Through Automation - Title Industry

Empowering Staff Through Automation The real estate market, more than many other industries, is notoriously subject to fluctuations, and we find ourselves in yet another challenging situation. And it’s a strange one!   The housing stock remains inadequate for the number of potential buyers. We are still in desperate need of more moderately priced housing, so

Empowering Your Staff in a Challenging Market Requires Careful Consideration Read More »