Simple Verification of Appointments Can Keep the Closing Process on Track

Title technology

Every title agent knows how many moving parts there are at any time, no matter how large or small the real estate transaction is. You can do everything in your power to keep closing day on schedule, but the reality is you have to rely on other people to stay on track as well. Sending constant reminders is inefficient for title agents unless you have title technology in place to handle this aspect for you. Customers often need subtle reminders to stay on track, and Alanna is here to help.

Customers Can Appreciate Reminders

Customers involved in a real estate transaction have other things going on in their lives as well. In other words, meeting up with a notary to sign documents isn’t always at the top of their minds. You can utilize conversational AI with Alanna by sending them a message to verify whether they can meet up with the notary at a particular time. The customer can reply to either confirm the appointment or say they need to reschedule. And the best part about Alanna is that she can offer other dates and times and reschedule the appointment immediately so no further delays have to occur.

Appointment Verification Can Help You Provide Accurate Answers

When you are proactive with title technology and can get answers from customers, you can relay information to other parties involved in the closing. For example, if a customer can’t meet with a notary at a scheduled time, you can let them know so they can schedule other appointments during that time slot. This might seem like a very minor thing, but it could all lead to keeping your closing on schedule by providing accurate and proactive answers to various parties.

Proactive Communication Sets Alanna Apart

It’s difficult for a title agent to be proactive with communications because of all the other job responsibilities they have. When you have to rely on other parties to stay on track without reminders, closing day usually doesn’t go as planned. Alanna offers the best of both worlds since title agents can continue working on complex tasks, while she takes care of sending reminders and appointment verifications. is the developer of the title industry’s only conversational AI technology capable of holding complex conversations with clients via SMS text or web chat. Learn more about how Alanna can ensure every closing stays on track.